2 months to pass your

Assessment Center

Double your chances of succeeding

the RC, RR or DRR Assessment Center

of the United Nations

The puzzle of an Assessment Center

Maybe you are unsure about the What and How to prepare, the pitfalls to avoid, the good tips to know...

You hesitate as towhat will be expected of you in terms of high level multidisciplinary programmatic knowledge, attitudes, interpersonal skills.

You find it difficult to prioritize fundamental reading, between knowledge around programs, SDGs, security, media or humanitarian emergencies. Especially since to this is added the weight of your daily load at work and at home..

❌ You might have failed your previous Assessment Center (DRR or RR) and are worried about making the same mistakes again. Especially since the comments in the final report are sometimes surprising as they may not look like what you think you demonstrate on a daily basis!

Not to mention the stress... in high doses, you could "lose it" and give too much space to some of your shortcomings: the assessor's techniques reveal everything: you won't be able to hide!

Perhaps you have considered the following?

Looking for advice from knowledgeable people? It's very nice from them, but not very effective: cycling cannot be learned with good advice.

Some dream they will be able to pretend they keep calm and thwart the eyes of the assessors. It would be risky: it is precisely their job to see everything.

During the preparations, some are worried about having read everything that comes to hand around programs, operations, policies... But they would arrive with a cluttered tired mind when having to restore the information.

Perhaps you hope that with good control and mastery of your emotions, you will only show your good side? Except that putting yourself in a state of stress precisely aims at thwarting your protections: volume of information to be processed, pace of the exercises, uncertainty about expectations, unforeseen events and repeated surprises, conflict situations, obligation to make decisions without having had the time to understand it all...

Our approach to good preparation?

Use your daily professional and personal life as the best practice ground for the Assessment Center

An Assessment Center requires thorough and effective preparation. It must be integrated into your already very busy professional and personal daily life. Just like a great athlete before a competition, you can manage your preparation aloone. But you significantly increase your chances with a coach who knows the challenges well.

I have accompanied senior United Nations officials to Assessment Centers: 54 people since 2014: DRR, RR and especially RC Assessment Centers. They all arrived more or less with the same difficulties:
- They were often surprised to be notified at the last minute about their selection and the dates of their Assessment Center.
- They arrived already challenged by their busy professional life.
- They hated having so little time to devote to the preparation.
- They were afraid to not well understand the challenges of the assessment if it is not hearsay.

We were going to have to develop the strategy aspects of context analysis, prioritization, negotiation techniques, systematize the strategic thinking approaches, sharpen mental calm, and address physical preparation in order to be able to easily cope with the whole 3 days assessment!

It seemed to them a random mission.
I therefore adopted a coaching approach: the daily professional and personal lives were going to be our ally, not our oponent.

Little by little, year after year, through repetition, efforts, understanding of Assessment Centers, I developed:
- A general preparation process that clarifies and soothes the period of training
- An increasingly sharp understanding of Assessment Centers.
- Various case-studies allowing you to review all the skills to be reinforced and avoid surprises
- Simple and effective tools on which to base the exercises
- A principle of daily practice in situ (work or home) to increase comfort with what is expected in an Assessment Center.

The candidate is therefore reassured, from the first day, by the overall form of support.

As a result, when a candidate arrives at the Assessment Center, s/he does not show that he can hold a position: s/he embodies the competencies and the posture of an RC, an RR or a DRR.

- By dint of repetition, I created a method -

2 months to pass your

Assessment Center

Double your chances of succeeding

the RC, RR or DRR Assessment Center of the United Nations

Assessment Center Success

At the end of the 2 months preparation, you will be able

to prove that you can...

- Analyze a complex country that is facing a political and economical crisis, with humanitarian and security emergencies
- Manage tense one2one conversations
- Deal with confusing meetings with agitated stakeholders
- Assume assertive and diplomatic confrontations with demanding authorities
- Make quick decisions in complex and uncertain systems
- Walk arround the media pitfalls...

To get to there, you will develop communication automatisms inherent to your position, an ability to keep your cool, with frankness associated with diplomacy, good trick to use the media instead of enduriong them, a stronger self-confidence.
And to enchor your ground for success, we will also tackle you physical and mental preparation, as well as an optimum material environment for those going through an online Assessment Centers.

3 steps for success


Clarify the key moments of an Assessment Center and identify your individual preparation priorities


Role plays and lessons learned during sessions and practice outside sessions to adopt your new role of RC, RR or DRR

Mindset building

Stress management, self confidence building, deal with the unexpected, overcome fears

Content of the accompaniment

✅ 1 coaching session of 1h30 around the understanding of an Assessment Center for each DRR, RR and RC Assessment Center, the techniques of the assessors

✅ 7 coaching sessions of 1 hour of case studies adapted to each RC, RR, DRR Assessment Center: try, review, find new options, retry again, and again...

✅ 2 mental, psychological and physical preparation coaching sessions around your posture during an Assessment Center

✅ 6 PDF files with very practical tips on organizing information of a country situation, emergency preparedness "must do", complex discussions process, media interviews tips, negotiation levers list and strategic thinking steps

✅ Systematic answers in less than 24 hours to your questions with WhatsApp throughout the duration of the accompaniment

The puzzle of an Assessment Center

Maybe you are unsure about the What and How to prepare, the pitfalls to avoid. Maybe you need good tips?

You hesitate as to what will be expected from you in terms of high level multidisciplinary programmatic knowledge, attitudes, interpersonal skills.

You find it difficult to prioritize fundamental reading, between knowledge around programs, SDGs, security, media or humanitarian emergencies. Especially since this is added to the weight of your daily work and home load...

❌ You may have failed your previous Assessment Center (DRR or RR) and are worried about making the same mistakes again. Especially since the comments in the final report were sometimes surprising as they may not look like what you think you demonstrated on a daily basis!

Not to mention the stress... in high doses, you could "lose it" and give too much space to some of your shortcomings : the assessor's techniques reveal everything: you won't be able to hide!

Perhaps you have considered the following?

Looking for advice from knowledgeable people? It's very nice from them, but not very effective: cycling cannot only be learned with good advices.
Some dream they will be able to pretend they keep calm and thwart the eyes of the assessors. It would be risky: it is precisely their job to see everything.
During the preparations, some are worried about having to read everything that comes to hand around programs, operations, policies... But they would arrive with a cluttered tired mind when having to restore the information.
Perhaps you hope that with good control and mastery of your emotions, you will only show your good side? Except that putting yourself in a state of stress precisely aims at thwarting your protections: volume of information to be processed, pace of the exercises, uncertainty about expectations, unforeseen events and repeated surprises, conflict situations, obligation to make decisions without having had the time to understand it all...

Our approach to good preparation?

Use coaching and your daily professional and personal life as the best practice ground for the Assessment Center

An Assessment Center requires thorough and effective preparation. It must be integrated into your already very busy professional and personal daily life. Just like a great athlete before a competition, you can manage your preparation alone. But you significantly increase your chances with a coach who knows the challenges well.

I have accompanied senior United Nations officials to Assessment Centers: 54 people since 2014: DRR, RR and especially RC Assessment Centers. They all arrived more or less with the same difficulties:
- They were often surprised to be notified at the last minute about their selection and the dates of their Assessment Center.
- They arrived already challenged by their busy professional life.
- They hated having so little time to devote to the preparation.
- They were afraid of not fully grasping the type of exercises that awaited them and how to demonstrate the expected skills.

I needed to help them developping strategic thinking of a context analysis, prioritization, negotiation techniques, systematize the hard talk processes, sharpen their mental calm, as well as address physical preparation! in order to be able to easily cope with the whole 3 days assessment.

It seemed to them a random mission.
I therefore adopted a coaching approach together with the training one: the daily professional and personal lives were going to be our best ally, not our oponent.

Little by little, year after year, through repetition, efforts, understanding of Assessment Centers, I developed:
- A general preparation process that clarifies and smoothes the period of training
- An increasingly sharp understanding of Assessment Centers.
- Various case-studies allowing them to review all the skills to be reinforced and avoid surprises
- Simple and effective tools on which to base the exercises
- A principle of daily practice in situ (work or home) to increase comfort with what is expected in an Assessment Center.

The candidate were therefore reassured, from the first day, by the overall form of support.
As a result, when a candidate arrives at the Assessment Center, s/he does not show that he can hold a position: s/he embodies the competencies and the posture of an RC, an RR or a DRR.

- By dint of repetition, I created a method -

Assessment Center Success

At the end of the 2 months preparation,

you will be able to prove that you can...

- Analyze a complex country that is facing a political and economical crisis, with humanitarian and security emergencies
- Manage tense one2one conversations
- Deal with confusing meetings with agitated stakeholders
- Assume assertive and diplomatic confrontations with demanding authorities
- Make quick decisions in complex and uncertain systems
- Walk arround the media pitfalls...

To get to there, you will develop communication automatisms inherent to your position, an ability to keep your cool, with frankness associated with diplomacy, good trick to use with the media instead of enduring them, a stronger self-confidence.
And to anchor your ground for success, we will also tackle your physical and mental preparation, as well as an optimum material environment for those going through an online Assessment Center.

3 steps for success


Clarify the key moments of an Assessment Center and identify your individual preparation priorities


Role plays and lessons learned during sessions and practice outside sessions to adopt your new role of RC, RR or DRR

Mindset building

Stress management, self confidence building, deal with the unexpected, overcome fears

Content of the accompaniment

✅ 1 coaching session of 1h30 : understanding an Assessment Center for each DRR, RR and RC Assessment Center, the techniques of the assessors

✅ 7 coaching sessions of 1 hour: case studies adapted to each RC, RR, DRR Assessment Center: try, review, find new options, retry again, and again...

✅ 2 mental, psychological and physical preparation coaching sessions around your posture during an Assessment Center

✅ 6 PDF files with very practical tips on organizing information of a country situation, emergency preparedness "must do", complex discussions process, media interviews tips, negotiation levers list and strategic thinking steps

✅ Systematic answers in less than 24 hours to your questions with WhatsApp throughout the duration of the accompaniment

Humani Centre

Cedric Roussel

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26400 Crest


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